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CAPITULUM UNDECIMUM DE MODO FACIENDI CARRUM INBATALIATUM QUOD DUCETUR SINE BESTIJS PRO CONFUNDENDO MAGNAS GENTES /. ET POTERIT IN PECIJS SUPER. EQUO APORTARI Primo fiant rote quatuor alte brachiis quatuor et ipse rote circa finem circumquaque per unam spanan fiant indentate deintra versus carrum et sint dentes longi uno parino. Et iste quatuor rote ponantur in duabus asalibus longis brachiis IIl vel quatuor et plus vel minus secundum stratas et campos latas et apertas quod rote possint transire absque impedimento et quanto carrum fuerit magis latum erit melius et rote anteriores / a posterioribus sint longe una spana et super asalibus fiat lectus carri recte sicut fiunt alia carra et super asalibus in capite extra rotas firmentur erecti quatuor coroginelli grossi ut brachium / alti brachiis quatuor vel plus et in capite ipsorum ponantur duo ligna transversum mirantes asalia / et hoc facto ponantur super lecto carri super primo asali / et sic intelligo de uno asali sicut de alio / scdicet quod deante super lecto per medium asali ponantur duo ferri longi / sic quod firmentur super lecto carri ab uno capite et ab alio capite firmentur in illo ligno posito et longe unum ferum ad altero spanas II et grossa digito uno et lata digitis tribus et circa medium ipsorum feramentorum habeant unum foramen grossum et sic ponantur super carro [...] et ala [...] tere ipsorum feramentorum ponantur due rote que coniungantur ambe insimul cum una manegia ferri qui fit in medio feramentorum et super ipsis ferris volvatur ipsa manegia cum illis duabus rotis indentatis exterius sic positis [...]. Et post [...] has rotas firmentur duo cugones sic facti [...] positi inter ipsas rotas [...] superiores et rotas carri super lecto carri taliter positi quod volvendo rotas cum manegia volvantur ipsi cugnones / et per cuguones volvantur rote carri sic positi [...] Isto modo [...] similiter debent preparari rote posteriores et hec omnia erunt in dispositione magistri molendinorum qui has rotas sciet concordare. Et ut carrum ducatur recte per niam / et revolvatur / cum fuerit necesse / illud quod ducitur ante per boves / volvatur retro / et unus homo vel duo teneant de retro tumonen in viam et volvatur carrum quo voluerint. Et credo quod forte melius volvetur carrum ducendo cum duobus tumonibus ante et uno equo quando carrum debuerit duci per stratas / sed cum quis fuerit in opere providebit de meliori. Et istud carrum fiat aspaldatum et incastellatum cum uno solario posito super illis lignis intraversatis superius dictis secundum dispositionem operantis. Et sic completum est carrum sine vento / quod ubique ducetur sine bestijs. [Ostuni 1993, 152-56]

CHAPTER XI. ON THE WAY OF MAKING A FIGHTING-WAGGON, WHICH MAY BE PROPELLED WITHOUT DRAUGHT-ANIMALS IN ORDER TO DISORDER LARGE FORCES, AND IT CAN BE CARRIED IN PIECES ON HORSEBACK Let them first make four wheels two yards high, and these wheels are fitted with teeth on the inside towards the waggon, running all the way round a span in from the rim, the teeth being four inches long. And these four wheels are fastened upon two axles a yard and a half or two yards long (more or less, according to the [width of] the streets or wide open fields which the wheels may traverse without any obstacle)—the wider the waggon is made the better it will be. And the front wheels are one span distant from the back wheels. And on the four axles they are to make the bed of the waggon in the proper way as other waggons are made. And to the ends of the axles beyond the wheels four uprights are attached, two yards high or more and as thick as an arm, and upon their [upper] ends are placed two transverse timbers lining up with the axles [beneath] ; and when this has been done they are fastened upon the bed of the waggon over the first axle; and this I mean [to be done] with the one axle as well as the other, namely in the fore part above the bed of the waggon, in the middle of the axle, two [vertical] iron bars are fixed, of such a length that they can be fastened upon the bed of the waggon at one end, and at the other end fixed in that timber which was fastened [above]; and the two iron bars are two spans apart, an inch thick and three inches wide; and at about their centre the two iron bars [each] have a large hole, and so they are fastened above the bed of the waggon, and at the side of the iron bars are mounted two [toothed] wheels which are linked together by an iron [crank-]handle which is in between the iron bars; and the handle with its two wheels turns upon the iron bars, the wheels being toothed and placed outside thus. And after these [toothed] wheels two rundle-wheels made thus are placed between those upper wheels and the [toothed] wheels of the waggon, above the bed of the waggon, and so positioned that by turning the upper [toothed] wheels with the [crank-]handle the rundle-wheels are revolved, and the wheels of the waggon (placed thus) are revolved by the rundle-wheels. The rear wheels should be similarly prepared in this way, and all these things shall be arranged by the master millwright, who knows how to match these wheels together. And in order that the waggon may be propelled in a straight line along a road and steered when necessary, the part which is pulled by oxen in front is turned back, and one man (or two) hold the reversed shafts in their hands and steer the waggon where they wish. And I believe the waggon will be much better steered by two shafts in front and a horse, when the waggon is to pass through streets. But whoever is to do this will provide for the best. And this waggon is made with a parapet and castellated with an open platform built on those transverse timbers spoken of above, according to the maker's plans. And thus the waggon to go everywhere without draught-animals is completed. [Guido da Vigevano 1976, 27]

References :
Hall 1978, 135-141; Edgerton 1985, 174-175; Marchis 1993; Galluzzi 2003, 48; McGee 2004, 61 et sqq.;